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The information provided on crystal healing does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. It should never be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, but to aid with your treatments. Use at your own discretion.

 Metaphysical Properties
of Your

-Stones are listed alphabetically-

Abalone Shell

* Abalone shell- The pastel rainbow colors of the abalone shell enhance feelings of peace, beauty, compassion and love. It helps when you are facing tough emotional issues. Abalone will soothe the nerves and encourage a calm demeanor. Abalone shell helps to gently open your psychic and intuitive connections, and it is an excellent companion when needing guidance in relationships. It enhances the four C's - Communication, cooperation, commitment and compromise, which lead to harmony and balance. Abalone shell enhances expression, in both word and deed. It allows us to understand both sides of any issue by placing us in the other person's shoes. The Abalone shell has been tossed and turned in the ocean for many years, and it is through this process it's true beauty shines through. The abalone shell is designed for those who have survived traumatic experiences, to let them know that while they may have been tossed and turned themselves, in the end, they're true beauty shines for all to see.

African Turquoise

*African Turquoise – Blue/Green/Black - African Turquoise is a teal, speckled form of jasper. That's considered the “Stone of Evolution”. African Turquoise is said to bring about great change and transformation within one’s life. Its encouraging energy opens minds to the possibility of newness. This stone helps us to see the need for development and metamorphosis, then provides the balance and confidence necessary to further the process of self-development. It helps to renew your spirit, energy, and path in life. Wear it or carry it with you, it helps with reassurance as you meet new possibilities. African Turquoise resonates within the third eye chakra, and leads the bearer to greater wisdom. The stone awakens our spiritual bodies to their intended highest purpose, sharing knowledge of those long past to guide us during periods of change and growth. It initiates the pathway to a clear, focused mind. Those who seek direction to their highest inner self will benefit from African Turquoise, as it is a crucial tool in the work of broadening and strengthening all areas as we grow.



Agates of All Kinds

*Agate- This crystal is extremely effective for multi-dimensional healing and soul- work, the bands across the surface taking you traveling into another reality, to different streams of consciousness or other lives. A grounding stone, bringing out an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. Agate has the power to harmonize yin and yang. It facilitates acceptance of one's self and builds self confidence. It helps improve concentration, perception, and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions. It helps overcome negativity and bitterness of the heart. It heals inner anger, fostering love and the courage to start again. Useful for any kind of trauma, it creates a sense of safety and security by dissolving internal tension


*Amazonite - blue/green - it protects against electromagnetic pollution. It should be placed between you and the source of any pollution or taped to a cell phone. On a mental level, it filters the information passing through your brain and combines it with your intuition. This is an extremely soothing stone. It calms the brain and nervous system. It balances the masculine and feminine energies and many aspects of the personality. Amazonite is the stone that helps to see both sides of the problem or different points of view. On an emotional level, it soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear. It dispels negative energy and aggravation, and it assists in manifesting universal love. It can help open the heart and throat chakra to enhance loving communication. It can also help to relieve muscle spasms. 


* Amethyst-purple/gray- guards against psychic attack transmuting the energy into love. A natural tranquilizer amethyst blocks stress and negative environmental energies. It enhances spiritual awareness, and when you meditate, it turns thoughts away from the mundane and into tranquility and deeper understanding. Mentally it helps you feel less scattered and more focused and in control of your faculties. It is helpful when insomnia is caused by an overactive mind and protects against recurring nightmares. Amethyst enhances memory and improves motivation, making you more able to set realistic goals. It can help you remember and understand dreams in the visualization process. It dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety alleviating sadness and grief it supports coming to terms with loss. It opens intuition and enhances psychic gifts this is an excellent stone for meditation 


*Apatite- blue- is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, negativity, then it stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good. Blue Apatite is a deeply spiritual stone with a cleansing influence on the aura, especially in the mental body. The vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is a particularly strong stone to use in past-life or alternate-life work. It is excellent as a dream stone for creative problem solving. Blue Apatite may be light, bright, or dark blue, sometimes within the same crystal. 


*Aquamarine - light blue- It evokes the purity of crystalline waters, and the exhilaration and relaxation of the sea. It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. In ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids, and was used by sailors as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness and protection. It was also considered a stone of eternal youth and happiness. Today it protects all who travel by, over, or near water, and opens the channels of clear and heartfelt communication.  Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. It relaxes speakers to a stage of consciousness in which they are fully aware of their own truths, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations. As a love crystal, pale blue Aquamarine encourages a lover to return, helps two people with different lifestyles to live together in harmony, and reduces the effects of sensitive issues that cause quarrels. Aquamarine is often given as a love token or eternity ring, and increases commitment and fidelity "as long as the waters of the earth flow." 

Green Aventurine
Blue Aventurine

*Aventurine -green/blue stone-promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. It also stabilizes one's state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity. It helps bring comfort to your heart, it is a general harmonizer and help protect the heart chakras. It settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps ease skin eruptions and allergies, relieves migraine headaches, and soothes the eyes. 


* Azeztulite - Yellow/clear - It's extremely pure vibration brings higher frequencies down to earth to aid spiritual evolution. It expands your consciousness and can lift your awareness an vibrations to a higher level. Azeztulite facilitates meditation, instantly providing a protective spiral around the physical body. It helps treat cancer, cellular disorders and inflammation. It aids in the chronically sick by revitalizing purpose and restoring motivation.

Black Obsidian

 *Black Obsidian- shiny black- a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. It has powerful metaphysical properties that will shield you against negativity, and the energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy. Pieces of these stone that had a shiny surface were used in the past as a tool for scrying. It is an excellent crystal to use when you have been doing spiritual or healing work. This black stone is excellent to assist you to release disharmony that has built up in your day to day life and during work yourself, including resentment of others, fear and anger. Black obsidian is a great stone to aid in past life healing. The vibration of this stone may resonate within the third eye chakra and has a strong vibration to aid in the receiving of answers to questions. These black stones are one of the premiere crystals to assist you to communicate with spirit and may bring through the power of prophecy. If you have come back to this life in order to resolve a past life issue, place a piece of the stone on your third eye and ask about this. This may help you discover the purpose for being here in this life at this time. By asking the questions out loud and listening, you may hear the answers whispered back to you. This allows you to ask questions about specific questions around relationships, finances, career choices or health issues, the answers will help you to make better choices. 


*Bloodstone- green/red - it is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healer. Is believed to banish evil and negativity and to direct spiritual energy. It heightens the intuition and increases creativity. An excellent grounding and protecting stone. Bloodstone keeps out undesirable influences and stimulates dreams. It gives courage and teaches how to avoid dangerous situations by strategic withdrawal and flexibility. Is assists you in acting in the present moment by calming the mind, dispelling confusion and enhancing the decision making process. It can revitalize the mind if you are mentally exhausted. Bloodstone is an energy cleanser and immune stimulator for infections. It stimulates the flow of the lymph and the metabolic processes, revitalizes and regenerates when body and mind are exhausted, purifies blood, and detoxifies the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. Bloodstone benefits blood rich organs, regulates and supports blood flow, and aids in circulation. It reduces the formation of pus and neutralizes over acidification. The ancient Egyptians used it to shrink tumors. 

Blue Lace Agate

*Blue lace agate- blue/violet- Is a wonderful healing stone. It’s soft energy is cooling, calming, and it will neutralize anger, infection, inflammation, and fever. This stone assists in grounding high vibrational energies so that they are applied within the material world. Mentally calming and clarifying stone, it helps you to recognize an release the deeply repressed emotional traumas and blockages that have shredded your psyche in the past. Blue lace agate reportedly assists headaches, especially those resulting from blocked psychic abilities. Its property of counteracting blocked self-expression releases shoulder and neck problems, thyroid deficiencies, and throat and lymph infections.

Blue Sandstone

*Blue sandstone - deep blue/purple, sparkly. It is composed of quartz or feldspar because these are the most common minerals in the earth's crust.  This stone helps with any types of wealth wanting. It is also known for its calming and relaxing properties. Blue sandstone is great for concentration and increasing intelligence. It also represents enterprise, success, victory, and glory, which enhances leadership and helps focus on your good energy. Blue sandstone can help drive out evil spirits and clear your mind. It resembles the stars amongst the dark blue sky to bring courage, confidence and will power. It also represents and enhances good spirits. It is a natural occurring stone and not man made. 

Brecciated Jasper
Brecciated Jasper

* Brecciated Jasper - (jasper veined with hematite) is an excellent aid to keeping your feet on the ground and attaining emotional stability. It draws excess energy away from the head, promoting mental clarity. 


* Bronzite- brown/gold- It is a protective warrior stone, keep this stone by your side and use its support to weather the storm And helps with grounding yourself. This crystal is linked with restoring harmony deep within so your mind-body-spirit flows with the natural rhythm of the universe. Bronzite is one of the most powerful stones for alleviating feelings of self doubt. Sit quietly with this stone and let it encourage peaceful contemplation, even during the most challenging times. When the mind is at peace, your self confidence will flourish, leading you on a path to fulfilling your dreams. Bronzite is used for protection, as it not only repels, but also sends back the negative energies back to the sender. It helps to clear confusion, helping our ability to make choices and decisions and choices about our life path.

Carnelian Red Agate

*Carnelian- orange/clear- Also known as red agate, these stones of action, that will give you the courage and confidence to move forward on a new path in life. The vibration of this bright orange stone, will accelerate your motivation, and aid you to clarify your goals, so you can find your best direction in life. This power stone stimulates ambition and drive, so it aids moving forward on a new life path, and will aid you to make new, clearer decisions and better future career choices. It is a strong stone to aid the physical body, as it maintains an improved flow of life force energy via the blood


*Charoite- purple/ black/gray - Charoite is a stone of transformation. It is the soul stone that overcomes fear, stimulates inner vision, and spiritual insight. It aids in coping with enormous change at a spiritual level. Charoite encourages vibrational change, it provides deep physical and emotional healing. It helps you to accept the present moment as perfect. It releases deep fears and is particularly useful for overcoming resistance or putting things into perspective. It bestows drive, vigor, and spontaneity and is able to reduce stress, and worry, bringing out a relaxed attitude. By balancing the crown chakra, it assists in overcoming a sense of alienation or frustration.

*Calcite – Yellow/Orange/Green - Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. It cleans negative energies from the environment and yourself. It brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy, which clears and to activates all of the chakras. Calcite is a spiritual stone that facilitates and aids in the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities. It helps mind and body to remember the soul's experiences. Calcite connects the emotions with the intellect. It is an excellent stone when studying the arts and sciences. It calms the mind, teaches discernment, stimulates insights, and boosts memory. Calcite cleanses and improves the functions of the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. It dissolves calcification of the bones. It balances the assimilation of calcium within the body, strengthening the skeleton and joints. It alleviates intestinal and skin conditions, stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing.









*Citrine- Orange/Yellow – it is a cleanser, an energizing stone, it dissipates negative energy, and is extremely protective. It also can regenerate itself. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds negative energy and is therefore extremely protective for the environment. It energizes every level of life. It cleanses and balances the body, aligning it with the physical and the mind. Gloom and negativity  have no place around citrine. It raises self esteem and self confidence, and removes destructive tendencies. It enhances individuality, improves motivation, activates creativity, and encourages self expression. It makes you less sensitive, especially to criticism, and encourages acting on constructive criticism. It is excellent for overcoming depression, fears, and phobias. It promotes inner calm so that wisdom can emerge. 

Red Bamboo Coral

*Coral- red - Found in the deep sea, red bamboo coral absorbs negative energy and helps to bring peace within yourself. It also accelerates the transfer of knowledge. Coral represents diplomacy and concurrence.  It quiets the emotions and brings peace to within the self.  Facilitates intuition, imagination and visualization. Coral strengthens the circulatory system and the bones of the body.  It stimulates tissue regeneration and nourishes the blood cells.  It treats disorders of the spinal canal, and the nervous system. Red Coral stimulates the energetic pursuit of pre-determined goals.  It protects from depression and despondency.  Treats hiccups, colic and heartburn, and aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system.  Red Coral treats disorders of the kidneys, and bladder. 


*Chrysocolla- blue/green- is first and foremost a Stone of Communication. Its very essence is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. A peaceful stone, it emphasizes the power our words and actions have on those around us, and encourages compassion and strengthening of character. It is favored as a stone of prosperity and business astuteness, reacting upon the analytical and intuitive abilities. Like a balance scale, it can stimulate the mind and relax emotions at the same time. Chrysocolla is a stone of empowerment of the feminine energies, teaching that genuine power is best expressed through gentleness. It is a stone of the Goddess, and those who resonate with it will likely feel her ancient and enduring energies rising within themselves.


* Chrysoprase is one of the birthstones for May and traditionally symbolises enterprise, happiness, and prudence. The chrysoprase stone is famous for being able to improve emotional health. It is said to promote empathy, forgiveness, growth, self-love, and a general lust for life. If the Chrysoprase crystal has found its way into your life, take it as a sign that you're in need of an emotional makeover. Known for manifesting optimism, joy, and happiness, Chrysoprase is one of the best antidepressants in the world of crystal healing. If you have a checklist of garden-variety emotional ailments like depression, anxiety, and stress, it is an effective prescription for encouraging a more positive outlook on life. Its relaxing and serene vibes help cool off intense emotions of anxiety, especially if you place it over the heart. The activation of this energy center allows for a stronger flow of healing energy through the heart, which not only boosts circulation on a cellular level but also brings you closer to living from the heart and embracing universal love.

Dalmatian Jasper

*Dalmatian Jasper reconnects us with our playful nature, it balances Yin and Yang and aligns the Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies with the etheric realm. Also called Dalmatian Stone, this stone’s name is derived from it’s resemblance to the black and brown spotted Dalmatian dogs. It was referred to in ancient Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Assyrian texts where it was used as a protection amulet, it was believed to warn the wearer of danger and to fortify the spirit. It is helpful in overcoming depression, nightmares and negative thinking. Dalmatian Jasper is of particular use when feeling stuck in life, it helps to transform outworn thinking patterns or overanalysing to enable one to move forward in life with composure. It has also been used to calm, train and communicate with animals.

dragon skin agate.jpg

*Dragon skin agate - Blue/white- Dragon skin agate is sometimes considered a protective stone that strengthens the wearer's aura. It's said to shield the wearer from negative emotional energy.  It’s also associated with strength and stamina. It's also known as the "Emotional Healer Stone". Dragon skin agate is said to promote balance, harmony, and is said to bring confidence, which makes it popular with artists and writers. In Asian culture, dragons are associated with good fortune and prosperity. Wearing dragon skin agate may be considered a way to attract these qualities. This agate is said to help with creative visualization and improve memory and concentration. It can also encourage honesty. Dragon skin agate is named after a mythical creature that represents strength and stamina. In many cultures, dragons are considered guardians of treasures and hidden secrets. 


Dragon's Blood Jasper

*Dragon stone- Green/red- Dragon stone activates the chakras and creativity on all levels. It assists earth healing and bringing order out of chaos. This stone is helpful in past life healing where ancient abuse blocks sexual response. Placed on minor chakras located in the knees, dragon stone helps you be more centered and grounded on earth.

Druzy Crystals

*Druzy Crystals boost creativity, imagination, and induce relaxation. It helps awaken positive self-love. It provides a balance in your life to avoid depression, fear, and sadness. The stone is thought to help reduce stress and uplift you emotionally. Druzy Crystal opens up blocked energies and helps you to find your inner light. Druzy Crystals are excellent for group meditations, spiritual workshops, and any other form of joint spiritual work. It strengthens the spirit. It will connect you to your higher powers. Druzy Crystals are thought to amplify and purify the body's natural energy. It is said to promote energy balance on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. The crystal is thought to boost the immune and reproductive systems, and treat infections.


*Emerald- green/black specks, Emerald is a stone of inspiration and infinite patience. It is a life affirming stone with great integrity, known as the stone of successful love, it brings domestic bliss and loyalty. Emerald opens the heart chakra and has a calming affect on the emotions. This stone insures physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. It illuminates negativity and brings in positive actions. Emerald enhances psychic abilities, opens clairvoyance, and stimulates gathering wisdom from the mental planes. Traditionally, emerald was said to protect from enchantment and the ploys of magicians. Emerald gives the strength of character to overcome the misfortunes of life. It is a stone of regeneration and recovery and can heal negative emotions. It enhances the ability to enjoy life to the fullest, and is helpful in cases of claustrophobia. It is also a wisdom stone, promoting discernment and truth, and aiding in bringing to the surface what is unconsciously known.


*Feldspar- Grey/beige/specks of black- Feldspar increases your self respect, self esteem and and self awareness.   It helps you in honouring yourself as a woman, honouring your sexuality and ability to create new life. This stone will help you, if you have the habit of continually selecting the wrong partner by helping you acknowledge that you are valued as yourself not as an extension of someone else. The mineral feldspar provides you with feminine, moon and Goddess energy. Feldspar is believed by metaphysical adherents to be a gemstone of creativity. Feldspar helps with finding unconventional and exciting ways to achieve goals by stimulating creative thinking. Feldspar increases your self-respect, self-esteem and self-awareness. Feldspar is believed to help to align our chakras, subtle bodies and meridians and is good for astral travel.


*Fluorite- Green/ Purple - Fluorite grounds excessive energy, dissipates emotional drama, and clears infections. It is effective at absorbing negative energies within the environment. It is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress. It brings information up from the subconscious mind and accesses intuition. It helps you to discern when outside influences are at work within yourself and shuts off psychic manipulation. It is an excellent meditation stone. Fluorite stimulates the third eye and imparts common sense to psychic communication. It makes you more aware of higher spiritual realities and can quicken spiritual awakening, focuses the mind and links it into the universal mind. This stone can overcome chaos and reorganize the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. It is an effective auric, chakra, and mental cleanser. It relieves stomach disorders and cramps in the intestines. It is useful in the treatment of bones and bone marrow disorders.


Gaspeite – Green/Black/Brown – This stone is named after the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, Canada, the place where it was first described and found in 1977. Gaspeite holds a very grounding energy that will provide strong vibrations to your chakras. It will boost your spiritual growth and enhance your visions. This stone will develop your clairvoyant abilities and other psychic talents. It’s also a very spiritual stone that can help in contacting or communicating with the spirit world. It will bring you a grounded spiritual energy that will encourage you to live life realistically with a spiritual perspective. It will encourage you to be more aware of how you should be living your life while focusing on the spiritual aspects of each situation. When things take place in your life, you will be able to recognize what you need to do to make the necessary changes in your actions, emotions, and thoughts.


*Garnet- reddish brown- it is said to be able to warn of approaching danger and was long ago carried as a protective talisman. It inspires love and emotion, and balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. This is the stone of commitment. This is particularly helpful in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life is fragmented or is traumatic. It fortifies, activates, and straighten the survival instincts, bringing courage and hope to seemingly hopeless situations.  It also promotes mutual assistance in times of trouble


*Goldstone - Goldstone  is said to help attain one's goals. Goldstone helps one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalizing one's energy field. Goldstone also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including in crystal healing lore the strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain. 

*Hematite- Shiny/Silver -It is particularly effective grounding and protecting. It harmonizes mind, body and spirit to be used during an out of body journey it protects the soul and grounds it back to the body. It dissolves negativity and prevents energies from entering the order, restoring peace and harmony to the body. Enhances memory, helps insomnia

Herkimer Diamonds
Imperial Jasper

*Herkimer Diamond Quartz – Clear/smokey/black – This “dream crystal unveils the 'reality' of your dreams which is self actualization and psychic attunement. Known as the gemstone of high vibrational light, the Herkimer Diamond is a variety of amethyst and clear quartz. This powerful stone combines the serenity and crown chakra connection of Amethyst with the huge amplifying powers of Clear Quartz. The meaning of the Herkimer Diamond is to help with higher attunement, astral connections, and to get you in a place where you feel crystal clear about things.

*Howlite- White with black- Calming, when placed under pillow it is an antidote to insomnia. It prepares the mind to receive wisdom and insight, and can also assists in the journey to pass lives. Focusing your site into howlite can transport you into another time or dimension, and it helps formulate ambitions. Howlite stills the mind to help you sleep. 

*Imperial Jasper- Many various colors from light green to burgundy with white/yellow throughout stone- This gemstone helps to reduce insecurities and fears while providing protection. Traditionally when worn as a decorative necklace jasper is known to combat exhaustion. Jasper is protective. It can align all the chakras and balance yin yang energies, it is stabilizing and healing. Jasper is a fairly common stone, and it is generally worn or carried to promote mental processes and to restrain dangerous desires or whims that may lead to hazardous situations.

Blue Iris Quartz

*Iris Quartz- Blue - Allows us to overcome the disappointments in our lives and to move forward. It gives us courage to get out there and try again. Physically, Iris Quartz helps with metabolism balance, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), cleansing of the kidneys and urinary tract, and easing of menstrual symptoms.

*Jade - translucent white/yellow, is a calming, grounding stone that also protects the wearer from negative energies. It brings peace, harmony and luck. White jade is also wonderful in the decision making process, as it blocks distractions, allowing for the best results to reveal themselves (which makes it especially useful for children) Physically it assists the body to heal itself, help with bladder and kidney problems, eases the pain of arthritis and other joint issues, especially in the hips. 


*Jasper - it helps dream recall, provides protection and grounds the body. It absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the yin and yang. It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation and aids dowsing. It brings courage to handle problems assertively and encourages honestly with yourself. It stimulates imagination and transforms ideas into actions. It supports during prolonged illness or hospitalization and reenergizes the body. Green jasper balances out parts of your life that become all-important and detriment of others. It treats skin disorders and dispels bloating. It heals elements of the upper torso the digestive track and purifying organs reduces toxicity and inflammation. Red jasper gently stimulating, and grounds energy and rectifies unjust situations. It brings problems to light before they become too big and provides insight into the most difficult situations. It makes an excellent 'worry bead' calming the emotions when played with. 


*Jet- black/silver— Jet is commonly used as a stone of protection, yet it also carries some wonderful healing properties, including pain relief for headaches/migraines and enhanced healing of traumatic injuries. Working almost like an energetic filter, Jet is a wonderful grounding stone that has intense purification and protection properties. Jet is known for clearing the aura of impure energies and is an important stone for the medicine bag. Also known as a stone of good luck, Jet makes a great gift for the person starting a new job or beginning a new business pursuit. Jet can bring clarity to a confusing situation by bringing unique insights from variant perspectives. Those who are struggling through multiple trials and tribulations will appreciate Jet's supportive energies. Jet can be used to cleanse other crystals by placing them in a bowl with several smaller pieces of Jet. Jet can also be helpful for those experiencing an overabundance of negative energies or emotions, and has traditionally been used as a stone to alleviate grief. Not only does it draw off negative vibrations, but Jet can help the victim of these vibes to understand their original purpose and the lesson to be learned. Sensitives or empaths who suffer from exposure to negativity in the environment should carry a piece of Jet with them while exposed.



K2 Stone

K2 Stone- Blue/White/Black – A rare combination of azurite and granite, the K2 stone balances your earthly experience with a higher consciousness, allowing you to go deep into the spirit world while being firmly grounded to the earth. Because of its ability to promote a grounding intuition, the K2 is helpful for deepening your meditation practice. To meditate- begin your journey in a sacred space free of clutter and distractions. This means stepping away from electronics and your cell phone and entering an environment that promotes healing and relaxation. Take a 20 minute break from your everyday routine and get up close and personal with the K2 crystal, putting different intentions to work. During your session, sit quietly with the stone and give it an intention, which programs it to support, and promote all of your dreams. To get the most our of your meditation, focus your attention on a particular aspect of your life, and focus on stability, relaxation, and all of the elements in your life that deserve some gratitude.

Kambaba Jasper

* Kambaba Jasper - Green/black circles - Kambaba Jasper is a stone of Peace and Tranquility, imbued with the nourishing green energy of Nature. Its dark mystic circles and deep green swirls comforts and protects, calms and relaxes, soothing troubled minds and restoring balance to the body and spirit. Its slow steady frequency expands one’s ability to focus and is a remarkable aid in meditation, granting the release of negative thoughts and feelings, especially those that plague one’s consciousness on a continual basis. Stimulating the Heart Chakra, Kambaba Jasper draws wisdom from its ancient life energies and encourages one to open the heart to loving the self and others more fully, and increases the ability to receive love in return. Kambaba Jasper is one of the more exotic Jaspers, a rare orbicular variety from Madagascar and South Africa. Like all Jaspers, Kambaba Jasper alleviates stress and induces tranquility. Its cleansing effect eliminates negative energy and stabilizes the aura. It makes an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and increasing one’s focus, and is a wonderful stone for banishing nightmares or harmful thoughts. Kambaba Jasper is particularly conducive to deep and peaceful sleep. A stone of nurturing energies, Kambaba Jasper provides strength for those who are broken-hearted by love, rejection or sudden abandonment, to find their way out of emotional despair and in facing issues that must be resolved.

Kiwi Jasper or Sesame Jasper

*Kiwi stone/ Sesame Jasper- sea foam green with black spots- Kiwi Jasper and "Sesame Jasper" are interchangeable trade names for a black speckled stone often mixed with translucent crystalline formations. It sustains and supports us during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper aligns the chakras and absorbs negative energy. Kiwi/Sesame Jasper becomes warm when held, with a sense of healing, and the feet become warm too, also felt peaceful and relaxed. It’s a nurturing stone, a good stone for the healers to use on the behalf of others. A good stone for people in counseling or therapy, who want to overcome addictions or compulsive behavior, & gather up their strength for the battles ahead. It is a power stone for those who stand for justice & fair play. It raises ones spirit and elevates the mood. This “euphoria” is not the kind that you lose your thought process, but it more attunes you to the natural pulse of love, which brings a shift in attitude, mood and mind.


*Kunzite- pink/white/clear- it promotes unconditional love, producing loving thoughts and communication, also radiates peace and connects you to universal love. Kunzite encourages humility and has the power to dispel negativity. This stone shields the auro from unwanted energies, providing a protective sheath around it, dispelling attached entities, and mental influences. Kunzite encourages self expression and removes obstacles from your path and helps you adjust to the pressure of life. It is a useful healer for people who had to grow up too fast, bringing back lost trust and innocence. Is is helpful in reducing stress-related anxiety, by clearing emotional debris, healing heartache and lifting your moods caused by depression. It is excellent for alleviating panic attacks, helps to calm epilepsy and soothes joint pain.


*Kyanite- blue/white/gray- is excellent for meditation because its a powerful transmitter, an amplifier of high frequency energies and intuition. This stone can help spiritual energy to manifest into thought, help connect to your spirit guides and instills compassion. It facilitates dream recall and promotes healing dreams. Kyanite does not hold onto negativity, so it will never require cleaning/clearing. Psychologically, it encourages speaking one’s truth, and cutting through fears and blockages. This stone encourages self-expression and communication, helps cut through ignorance and opens to spiritual and psychological truth. Kyanite slices through confusion, dispels: blockages, illusions, anger, frustration, and stress. It can increase the capacity for logical thinking, stimulates the higher mind, and assists in detaching from the idea of blind fate. Kyanite helps with fevers, thyroid, a natural pain reliever, helps lower blood pressure, releases excess weight, and heals infections. It is very useful for performers and public speakers.


*Labradorite -grayish to black with blue and yellow, It is a highly protective stone, a bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It forms a barrier to negative energies shed during therapy. The stone raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies into the physical body, and stimulates intuition and psychic gifts. Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing up new ideas. Labradorite is a useful companion to change, and imparting strength and perseverance.

Lapis Lazuli

*Lapis lazuli - blue/ gold-white flecks- it stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and Psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual journey and stimulating personal and spiritual power. Possesses enormous serenity and is the key to spiritual attainment. The stone quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It is a protective stone that contacts spirit guardians. The stone recognizes psychic attack, blocks it, and returns the energy to it source. The stone harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It encourages you to take charge of your life, it reveals your inner truth, encourages self awareness, and allows self-expression without holding back or compromising. If repressed anger is causing difficulties in the throat or in communication, it releases these. It bonds relationships and love and friendship and aids expressing feelings and emotions. It also dissolves cruelty and suffering.


* Larimar- blue/white/black- is the embodiment of the tranquil Sea and Sky energies. It brings the ancient wisdom of Atlantis to harmonize the body and soul. Larimar cools tempers and calms fears, relieves stress and nurtures the physical and emotional bodies. It is powerful in meditation and in connecting to the Divine Energy and is particularly helpful in releasing emotional bonds, patterns or principles that no longer serve the highest good. A stone of clear communication, it provides the strength and courage needed to speak openly from the heart. It is recommended for people who are stressed and it is said to be a healing stone. Because Larimar is recommended for stress, it is said Larimar can be helpful for for phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear. It also aids in breaking down the walls one has built around the heart for defense, and allows for emotional release and the clearing of deep emotional patterns. It helps one to reconnect to a previous, more natural state of playfulness and joyful childlike energy.

Lava Stones

*Lava Stone- Black, Full if holes - Lava stone is one of the oldest stones in the world. Lava is associated with fire and earth elements and is known for increasing energy and calming the emotions. Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change.  It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back". A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger.  It promotes positive changes where needed in behavioural issues. Lava Stone enhances fertility. In addition, Lava Stone is a wonderful aromatherapy essential oil diffuser.  Simply add a few drops of your favourite essential oil and enjoy the added therapeutic benefits it brings.


*Lazurite- deep blue/sparkly- is most often found as a massive, and is commonly combined with other minerals to form the rock Lapis Lazuli. Lazurite crystals are deep blue in color, and are rare. It stimulates the third eye chakra, promoting intuitive abilities and psychic development. Lazurite is the perfect crystal for the spiritual traveler, moving in the direction of a being of light. Lazurite expands awareness, enhances memory, and allows for the space needed to reflect on that which one has assimilated thus far, in this life, past lives and future lives. Lazurite promotes an understanding and speaking of truths. Lazurite has been used to treat infections, is useful in treating disorders of the respiratory system, and can be used to reduce pain.

Leopard Skin Jasper

*Leopardskin Jasper (also called Jaguar Stone) is a great stone to utilize when connecting/communicating with the animal kingdom, in both the physical and spiritual planes. It also aides in out of body experiences and journeying. It is a powerful protection stone. Like all Jaspers, Leopardskin Jasper is closely associated with strength and vitality, and brings stability to those who may be experiencing chaotic energies in this incarnation. Leopardskin Jasper is known for attracting harmonious vibrations into one's existence, which correspond to one's direct needs, but not necessarily desires. This includes the attraction of certain circumstances and people that are conducive to one's own personal growth.


*Magnesite brings a deep peace to meditation and relaxation. It opens the heart chakra and stimulates heartfelt love, including love for the self, which is necessary before you can embrace love from other people. This stone can be very helpful in the practice of unconditional love in situations where a relationship with other people is difficult because of their behavior or addictions. It helps you feel centered, standing by placidly and allowing the other person to be totally who they are without requiring them to change or being affected yourself in anyway by their difficulties. Magnesite brings a calming effect to the emotions, promoting tolerance for emotional stress. It supports people who are nervous and fearful and help them to overcome your irritability . Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. 

Mahogany Obsidian

*Mahogany Obsidian- brown/ black - Has a gentler energy than black. Resonating with the earth, it grounds and protects, gives strength in times of need, vitalizes purpose, eliminates energy blockages, and stimulates growth on all levels. It is a stabilizing stone that strengthens a weak aura and restores the correct spin to the solar plexus chakras. Worn on the body, it relieves pain and improves circulation.*Mahogany Obsidian- brown/ black - Has a gentler energy than black. Resonating with the earth, it grounds and protects, gives strength in times of need, vitalizes purpose, eliminates energy blockages, and stimulates growth on all levels. It is a stabilizing stone that strengthens a weak aura and restores the correct spin to the solar plexus chakras. Worn on the body, it relieves pain and improves circulation.


*Malachite - green and black striped- absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface.  It clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras. Malachite is often called the “stone of transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer.  Malachite amplifies energies of all kinds, both positive and negative.  One of the most important healing stones, Malachite helps the user acknowledge, draw out, and discharge negative energy, including old emotional patterns, past traumas, and suppressed feelings.  Malachite’s ability to draw out negative energy can assist in discovering the energy blocks and patterns that may be causing physical disease. Highly protective, Malachite absorbs pollution, purifies, and shields against radioactivity.  Malachite can be useful in easing menstrual cramps and childbirth.  Use Malachite on the Third-Eye to facilitate psychic vision,  while Malachite held on the Heart Chakra will bring balance and fidelity to relationships with other people. Physically, Malachite protects against radiation and has been used in the treatment of asthma, arthritis, swollen joints, broken bones and torn muscles.

Mookaite Jasper

*Mookaite- (Australian jasper) provides a useful balance between inner and outer experiences. It imparts both a desire for new experiences and a deep calm with which to face them. Flexible mookite encourages versatility. It points out all the possibilities and assists in choosing the right one. Mookaite is a physically stabilizing stone that fortifies immune system, heals wounds, and purifies the blood.


*Moonstone- cream/white- moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. As its name suggests it is strongly connected to the moon and to intuition. Like the moon, this stone is reflective and reminds us that everything is part of the cycle of change. Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions. It encourages lucid dreaming, especially during a full moon. It has traditionally been used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance. It can also be worn to encourage acceptance of your psychic gifts. Moonstone helps to soothe emotional instability and stress, which helps to stabilize your emotions.  Moonstone can balance male and female energies which is the perfect antidote for the excessively macho man or overly aggressive female. Physically, moonstone powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle and alleviates menstrual related tension. It can also be helpful to calm hyperactive children. 


*Morganite - peach-pink - Morganites color embodies the first pale rays of sunrise that swells the heart and warms the soul, releasing a sense of smallness in a vast universe and opening to the overwhelming presence of a Higher power. This is a Crystal of Divine Love. It brings healing, compassion, assurance and promise. Morganite attunes to the heart and the Heart Chakra. It cleanses the emotional body of stress and anxiety, old wounds and hidden traumas, and enkindles lightness within the spirit, as if a burden has been lifted. It brings in the frequency of Divine compassion, inspiring the awareness that life’s suffering and pain served a higher purpose in our spiritual growth, and can be a catalyst for moving forward in peace and confidence. This crystal also attracts the abundance of love into one’s life and assists in maintaining that love as it continues to grow. It encourages loving thoughts and actions, consideration and responsibility, and being receptive to love from others. As a crystal of the heart, it may be used to attract one’s soul mate or in deepening a current relationship. It inspires joy and reverence for life, and increases the opportunities which allow one to experience the unconditional love of the Divine

Moss Agate or Tree Agate

*Moss agate -tumbled blue/green- said to refresh the soul and enable you to see the beauty in all you behold. A stabilizing stone strongly connected with the nature. It is helpful in reducing sensitivity to weather and to environmental pollution. The stone is extremely beneficial for anyone employed in agriculture or associated with botany. A stone of wealth, and attracts abundance. Psychologically it improve self-esteem and strength and positive personality traits. It releases fear and deep-seated stress. It helps to develop strength and the ability to get along with others, and encourages expanding one's personal space and growth. It promotes self-expression and communication. It balances the emotions, reducing stress and lessening fear. It encourages trust and help, being a highly optimistic stone. It is helpful for anyone suffering from depression through life circumstances or bring imbalances. 

Black Obsidian

Obsidian- black/shiny- Obsidian is a stone without boundaries or limitations. As a result, it works extremely fast and with great power. Obsidian impels us to grow and lends solid support while we do so, and provides deep soul healing. Obsidian can facilitate in going back to past lives to heal festering emotions or trauma that has carried forward into the present. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, bringing them under the direction of the conscious will and making it possible to manifest spiritual energies on earth. Self control is increased by the use of this stone. If held above the ‘third eye’ it breaks through mental barriers and dissolves mental conditioning. Gold sheen obsidian is particularly effective for scrying. It can take you into the future and the past and deep into the core of a problem. It shows what is needed for healing.

Green and Black Onyx

*Onyx – Black/Green- Is strength-giving. It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances, especially  during times of enormous mental or physical stress. Centering your energy and aligning it with the higher power, accessing higher guidance, is facilitated by Onyx as is connection with the whole. It can take you forward to view the future and with its capacity to impart personal strength, facilitates being master of one's destiny. Onyx is said to hold the memories of things that have happened to the wearer.  They can be used for psychometry, telling the story to those who are sensitive to it vibrations. Onyx assists in absorbing from the universe energies that are required for healing and balancing the yin and yang energies within the body.


*Opal- white/beige/yellow - Opal stimulates originality and dynamic creativity, it aids in accessing and expressing one’s true self. Opal is absorbent and reflective. It picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them, and returns them to source. It is a karmic stone, teaching that what you put out comes back. Opal is a protective stone in that, when properly programmed, it makes you unnoticeable or invisible, and it can be used when venturing into dangerous places. Psychologically it helps enhance your self-worth, and it helps you to understand your full potential. Wearing Opal is said to bring loyalty, faithfulness, and spontaneity, and can be used to send healing to the earths energy field. Opal strengthens the will to live, it helps treat Parkinson’s disease, infections, fevers, and strengthens your memory. Purifying the blood and kidneys, opal regulates insulin, eases childbirth, and alleviates PMS symptoms.


*Peridot is a light green color and is a visionary crystal for it helps you to understand your destiny and spiritual purpose. In ancient times, peridot was believed to keep away evil spirits, and is a powerful cleanser. Peridot teaches that holding on to people, or the past, is counterproductive and it shows you how to detach yourself from the outside influences and to look to your own higher energies for guidance. When placed on the abdomen it aids in giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions but lessening the pain. It's energy balances bipolar disorders and overcomes hypochondria.

Picture Jasper

*Picture Jasper- brown/tan - Picture Jasper inspires creative visualization and is ideal for overcoming writer’s or artist’s block. Picture Jasper encourages initiative and is particularly helpful in all business pursuits. Wear or carry this stone to inspire confidence, creative vision and practical application in starting your own business. Wear or carry Picture Jasper when traveling abroad, especially for backpacking or living in other countries. Exchange Picture Jasper with a partner if you are from different cultures to help fit into each other’s worlds. Use Picture Jasper for cutting down or quitting smoking. It removes harmful toxins from the system over time, and increases the resolve needed to overcome the cravings and emotional triggers that perpetuate the behavior. Jaspers are believed to increase fertility and are conducive to happy pregnancies. Picture Jasper is particularly protective during childbirth.


*Purpurite- purple/cream- Purpurite helps you speak in public with clarity and confidence. It can help you break old habits, or attitudes that keep you imprisoned or mirrored in old ways. Opening the way to spiritual evolution and enlightenment. Purpurite overcomes tiredness and despondency at any level. Purpurite is a powerful ascension tool that helps attune one to higher energies, as well as open up and connect the third eye and crown chakra. Working with this mineral will help raise ones intuition levels and consciousness, as well as assisting one in the understanding of this new found powerstone. Purpurite will help one adjust and become more comfortable with the energy being channeled through your mind and into your third eye. Using and wearing this stone frequently can cause one to have inner visions about their current life path. These visions, along with Purpurite’s energy, can help push one to make the necessary adjustments and changes to better suit their spiritual path. Try meditating with this stone over your third eye to help expand one's mind, as well as provide mental clarity. This mental clarity can be used to help one connect with angelic beings and guardian angels, as well as allowing one to process emotions with much more ease. Purpurite is here to help repair every aspect of one's life, as well as pushing one forward physically and spiritually. This special stone forces us to take action and look ahead towards a growth, self-healing, metamorphic stage of life. This phase is here to help one better understand their life purpose, as well as the transformation into the person your soul so truly wants you to be. 



*Prehnite - green/brown/white- Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. It enhances the visualization process and induces deep meditation in which higher self is contacted. It helps connect you to the archangel Raphael and to other spiritual beings. Prehnite enhances precognition and inner knowing. It is a stone that enables you to always be prepared, no matter what. Attuning to divine energies, Prehnite enhances prophecy and shows you the way forward for your spiritual growth. This crystal seals the auric field in a protective shield of divine energy. Prehnite helps you make your home into a healing sanctuary for yourself. This stone helps you be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces, revitalizing and renewing your surroundings. Psychologically, prehnite alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears uncovering and healing the disease that creates them. It is also beneficial for hyper active children. With Prehnite’s assistance, trust in the universe is restored and the soul once again believes in divine manifestation.


*Pyrite - yellow, gold, metallic- is a protective, shielding stone and is excellent to wear or carry as an amulet to deflect harm and danger. It is especially helpful when one is away from home or performing hazardous work. Pyrite guards against ongoing control, criticism and manipulation by a partner, parent or employer, lending the power to resist without becoming angry or upset, changing the balance of power. A piece of Pyrite in the home or workplace energizes the area around it and imparts an immediate increase in vitality. It overcomes intellectual fatigue due to overwork and tiredness of the nervous system by stimulating blood flow to the brain, increasing mental clarity, focus and recall



*Quartz- white/clear - it absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. This crystal works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. It takes the energy to the most perfect state possible. Enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Used in meditation, it filters out distraction. It aids in concentration and unlocks memory.



*Rhodochrosite is a deep pink or red crystal that is also called the Stone of the Compassionate Heart. Rhodochrosite brings true joy to one's life, heals old wounds and makes it possible to love oneself and others unconditionally. This gemstone resonates with the heart to promote love of oneself. It helps heal old wounds so that you can love yourself again and feel worthy of the love of others. This stone is perfect for finding new love, renewing old love and making a new loved one feel confident in his or her place in the relationship. The vibrations of this rock can help one find or reunite with a lost loved one. Rhodochrosite help with spiritual healing when open your heart to the possibility of love and friendship and you may find that it was close to you or present all the time. Rhodochrosite physical healing properties are wonderful for the heart and blood circulation. It helps control your blood pressure and pulse rate. The manganese in rhodochrosite makes it excellent for improving bone growth. This crystal is also used to alleviate tension headaches and migraines, improve thyroid function, clear the lungs and facilitate lung function.




*Rhodonite- reddish/brown with dark spots. It is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity. It grounds you, and helps balance the yin and yang of your body, mind and spirit. Rhodonite helps heal emotional shock and panic lending supportive energy to the soul during the process. It helps clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. It can be used in past life healing to deal with betrayal and abandonment. It helps you recognize that revenge is self destructive and it helps you to remain calm and dangerous or upsetting situations.


Rose Quartz

*Rose quartz- pink- Stone of unconditional love and peace, it purifies and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It is calming/reassuring stone. It can help you attract love into your life. In existing relationships, it will help to restore trust and harmony, and encourages unconditional love.  It gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. It strengthens empathy and sensitivity, and aids the acceptance of necessary change. If you have lost a love, it can help comfort you when you are grieving. 





*Ruby- red- Ruby encourages passion and a zest for life. It improves motivation and setting realistic goals. A talisman of passion, protection and prosperity, it symbolizes the sun. It was worn as an amulet or charm to ward of plague and pestilence, warned the wearer of impending danger, kept the body safe, and banished sadness and foolish thoughts. It helps bring peace and banishes nightmares, and it promotes a clear mind. Ruby has always been associated with love, especially faithful passionate commitment and closeness. It can help overcome exhaustion and lethargy. Ruby helps reduce fear of paranormal an evil. It is a shielding crystal and protects against psychic and psychological attack an is good to wear discretely to stay safe at night.



Ruby In Zoiste

*Ruby in zoisite- red/green/black - activates the crown chakra, creates an altered state of consciousness and facilitates access to soul memory and spiritual learning. It can be extremely helpful in soul healing and in past-life work. This stone has the unusual property of promoting individuality while at the same time retaining interconnectedness with the rest of humanity. It powerfully amplifies the bio magnetic field around the body.

Rutilated Quartz Black
Rutilated Quartz Gold

*Rutilated Quartz- colorless with red, brown, black, or gold strands through it- Rutilated Quartz is helpful for therapists and counselors as it filters negative energy from a client, and at the same time supports their energy field during emotional release. It gives protection against psychic attack. It is said to have a perfect balance of cosmic light and to be in illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. The stone aids astral travel, scrying, and channeling, and helps come in contact with your highest spiritual guidance. It draws off negative energy, and breaks down the barriers to spiritual progress, letting go of the past. It relieves fears, phobias, and anxiety, releasing constrictions in countering self-hatred. This stone promotes forgiveness at all levels.*Rutilated Quartz- colorless with red, brown, black, or gold strands through it- Rutilated Quartz is helpful for therapists and counselors as it filters negative energy from a client, and at the same time supports their energy field during emotional release. It gives protection against psychic attack. It is said to have a perfect balance of cosmic light and to be in illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. The stone aids astral travel, scrying, and channeling, and helps come in contact with your highest spiritual guidance. It draws off negative energy, and breaks down the barriers to spiritual progress, letting go of the past. It relieves fears, phobias, and anxiety, releasing constrictions in countering self-hatred. This stone promotes forgiveness at all levels.*Rutilated Quartz- colorless with red, brown, black, or gold strands through it- Rutilated Quartz is helpful for therapists and counselors as it filters negative energy from a client, and at the same time supports their energy field during emotional release. It gives protection against psychic attack. It is said to have a perfect balance of cosmic light and to be in illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. The stone aids astral travel, scrying, and channeling, and helps come in contact with your highest spiritual guidance. It draws off negative energy, and breaks down the barriers to spiritual progress, letting go of the past. It relieves fears, phobias, and anxiety, releasing constrictions in countering self-hatred. This stone promotes forgiveness at all levels.




*Sapphire- blue- Sapphire is believed by the Ancients to have been blessed by the Gods as a powerful protective stone. Sapphire is a stone of wisdom, also known as a stone of prosperity, sapphire sustains life force and attracts joy and peace. Sapphire opens the mind to beauty and intuition, but also increases intuition and mental clarity. A stone of spiritual healing and spiritual truth, blue sapphire is useful when channeling healing energies from the angelic realm or a higher source. This makes blue sapphire an especially good stone for practitioners of Reiki and similar healers. Blue sapphire helps the user stay on their spiritual path, boosting psychic and spiritual powers, and is a great stone for earth and chakra healing. Used with the throat chakra, blue sapphire enhances vocal healing, such as chanting. Blue sapphire also facilitates self-expression and speaking your truth.  Blue sapphire fosters loyalty, commitment, and fidelity, making it useful in relationships both romantic and professional. Physically, blue sapphire can assist with healing on a cellular level, blood disorders, eye issues and general stress. Blue sapphire has been used as an aid to ease depression, anxiety and insomnia.



*Serpentine- Green/Black - The name serpentine come from the greenish/brown color of this stone, which is thought to evoke the shades of a serpent. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration.  Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives.  It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life. Serpentine treats diabetes and hypoglycemia.  It eliminates parasites within the body, and aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium.  Serpentine is extremely cleansing and detoxifying for the body and blood.



Selenite- Clear/White- Selenite is very helpful for energy workers and can be referred to as 'liquid light' because it breaks through energy blockages and can be connected to the angelic realm. Selenite allows for liquid- like energy fluidity. It has such a high vibration that it floods your energy field with the highest levels of light, uplifting your spirit and guiding you to a higher state of existing. Raising your frequencies for a higher level of clarity and wisdom. Selenite purifies, cleanses and uplifts the energy in your home and everything in it. It can charge your crystals if you set them close to one another, or in a bowl together. Selenite is and excellent mediation stone. While meditating- hold the stone and you can begin to feel your worries and thoughts fade away and at the same time become calmer and more tranquil. Like the moon shining above us at night, selenite provides pure white light when we are facing any of life's darkness. Selenite is a soft stone and full of divine feminine energy, as such it remind women (and men) to be soft with our bodies and minds.





*Shungite- black, Since ancient times, shungite has been used to purify water. This is due to its alleged activity against bacteria and viruses. Traditionally, water infused with shungite has been used for: allergies, sore throats, asthma, gastric issues, arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, gallbladder issues, autoimmune disease, pancreatic dysfunction, chronic fatigue. Theoretically, it’s believed that if shungite has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, it could help these conditions. Shungite is helpful for relieving stress. It’s believed to soak up negative energy and balance emotions. Shungite is believed to have the ability to purify, charge, protect, cure, induce recovery, stabilise, heal and promote growth to all living organisms. Not only is Shungite a powerful protection stone it is said to be a good grounding stone and is also a strong aid for spiritual grounding.



Smokey Quartz

*Smoky Quartz- brown/yellow/black hues- This protective stone has a strong link with the earth and base chakras. Smoky quartz teaches you how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you, assists in tolerating difficult times and finding a resolution. Psychologically smoky quartz relieves fear, lifts depression, and brings emotional calmness. It alleviates suicidal tendencies and is a superb antidote to stress. This crystal alleviates nightmares and helps to manifests your dreams. When it comes in contact with negative emotions, it gently dissolves them. One of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones and at the same time raises vibrations during meditation. This stone is a superb antidote to stress. It assists in tolerating difficult times with fortifying resolve. Smoky quartz teaches you how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. It alleviates suicidal tendencies, relieves fear, lifts depression, and brings emotional calmness. Smoky quartz aids in acceptance of the physical body and the sexual nature, and cleansing the base chakra so that passion can flow naturally. This Crystal alleviates nightmares and manifest your dreams. When it comes in contact with negative emotions, it gently dissolves them. Physically, it is excellent for treating radiation-related illness or chemotherapy. Smoky quartz is particularly effective for ailments of the abdomen, hips, and legs. It relieves pain including headaches, muscle and nerve tissue, and the heart. It can also dissolve cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves.



Snowflake Obsidian

*Snowflake Obsidian - Black and white, it calms and soothes, putting you in the right frame of mind to be receptive before bringing to your attention ingrained patterns of behavior. It teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes. A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation (office, commute, home, etc.) presents itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease. Volcanic in origin, Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns. A good choice for past life work, Snowflake Obsidian heals old karmic patterns and helps in examining harmful thought patterns. Snowflake Obsidian promotes a sense of calm and inner centering which readies one for a deep meditative state. Physically, Snowflake Obsidian is associated with the skeletal and vascular systems, and is said to support smooth skin. In general, Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one's own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages, and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved. 




*Sodalite -  blue and white, is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and to stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications. It can also help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions and love. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. Physically it helps by relieving insomnia, And it is also used in crystal healing for quicker relief  of head colds.


*Sugilite- purple/violet/pink- one of the major ‘love stones’, it represents spiritual love and wisdom and opens all the chakras, bringing them into alignment. It inspires spiritual awareness and promotes the channeling ability. Sugilite reminds the soul of its reasons for incarnating and teaches you how to live from your truth. It is a useful accompaniment to spiritual quests of all kinds. This loving stone protects the soul from shocks, trauma, disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. It helps sensitive people and light workers adapt to the earth vibration without becoming mired or despondent. Sugilite can help to bring light and love to the darkest situations. Aiding forgiveness and eliminating hostility, sugilite is a useful stone for work with groups as it resolves group difficulties and encourages loving communication. Psychologically, it is beneficial for people who suffer from paranoia and schizophrenia. It is excellent for autism, helping to ground the soul more into the present reality, and overcome learning difficulties. Emotionally, sugilite imparts the ability to face up to unpleasant matters. It alleviates sorrow, grief, fear, and promotes self-forgiveness. Mentally it encourages positive thoughts and reorganizes brain patterns that underlie learning difficulties such as dyslexia. Physically, sugilite benefits cancer sufferers, as it gently releases emotional turmoil and can alleviate despair. Its an exceptionally good pain reliever, the manganese in sugilite clears headaches and discomforts at all levels.


*Sunstone- yellow/orange/red/brown - is a joyful, light-inspiring stone. If life has lost its sweetness, sunstone will restore it and help you nurture yourself. It clears all the chakras, bringing in light and energy, this stone allows the real self to shine through happily. Traditionally it is linked to benevolent gods, to luck and good fortune. Sunstone is extremely useful for removing ‘hooks’ from other people whether located in the chakras or the aura. These hooks can be at the mental or emotional level and may come from possessive parents, children or lovers. They have the effect of draining your energy, sunstone lovingly returns the contact to the other person and is extremely beneficial for ‘tie-cutting’. Keep sunstone with you at all times if you have difficulty saying ‘no’ and continually make sacrifices for others. Removing codependency, it facilitates self-empowerment, independence, and vitality. Sunstone acts as an antidepressant and lifts dark moods. It detaches from feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged, and abandoned. Sunstone reverses feeling of failure and increases, self worth and confidence.

Tiger's Eye

*Tigers eye- is a brown/yellow color. It combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is grounded, drawing the spiritual energies to earth. Tiger's eye is a protective stone that was traditionally carried as a talisman against ill wishing and curses. This stone is useful for recognizing both your needs and those of other people. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need. Tiger's eye heals issues of self-worth, self criticism, and blocked creativity. It supports an addictive personality in making changes. 




*Topaz – Blue/Pink - London Blue Topaz is a powerful stone that brings prosperity, good luck, and abundance. It's also thought to promote friendship by helping us develop a more optimistic attitude. The energy of this London Blue Topaz crystal can help you find inner peace and patience when facing adversity. Blue topaz crystals are believed to help open up communication channels as well as bringing clarity of thought into our minds when we need it most. It helps you to speak your truth, be honest with others, and express yourself clearly. London Blue Topaz is also said to help give us the courage to face our fears head-on. Its properties of truth and honesty can help us by giving us confidence in ourselves as well as our abilities. When we are confident and secure in ourselves, it’s easier for us to be truthful about what we want or need from another person without fear of rejection or judgment. Topaz of any color is often used to strengthen emotional support, stabilizing the emotions and making the wearer receptive to love from every source. It is believed to unburden the soul of arrogance and calmly verbalize in emotional situations.


*Tourmaline- cleans, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras, and forms a protective shield around the body. Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others, taking you deep into yourself, promoting self-confidence and diminishing fear. It vanishes any feeling of being a victim and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, and prosperity. Pink tourmaline is an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual world. Providing assurance that it is safe to love, it inspires trust in love, and confirms that it is necessary to love yourself before you can hope to be loved by others.

Tourmalinated Quartz

*Tourmalinated Quartz- clear with dark strands- (Also see Rutilated Quartz) An effective grounding stone, it strengthens the body’s energy field against external invasion and deflects detrimental environmental influences. This stone harmonizes disparate and opposite elements and polarities, and turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones, alleviating self sabotage. It is an effective problem solver.


*Turquoise- blue-teal - promotes spiritual attunement and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual worlds. It enhances intuition and meditation, releases old vows and allows the soul to express itself again. It dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog, providing protection against pollutants in the environment. A promoter of self-realization, it assists creative problem solving and calms the nerves when speaking in public. It stabilizes mood swings and brings inner calm and stimulates romantic love. Is excellent stone for exhaustion, depression, or panic attacks. 

Unakite Jasper

*Unakite - green, speckled- is a stone that encourages visionary abilities by opening your psychic vision. It works through the third eye chakra and aids you to visualize the things you desire in your life. It has an excellent balancing action for your emotions, bringing your emotions into line with your spiritual aspects. If you are wondering how to sleep better, this is one of the healing crystals that will assist better sleep, and will also help to relieve stress. Addictive habits that you have had difficulty dealing with, will be helped by its energy, as it will give you help to break through the barriers that have held you back from being able to achieve your desires.

*Variolite – Green/White – Also known as 'snake stone' because it resembles the skin of a snake. The belief in snake stones, which were thought to have magical properties that could act as an antidote to poison and cure snake bites, was once common in many parts of western Europe where venomous snakes are native. The stones, which were highly sought, were dipped in water, which was then given to the afflicted person or animal to drink. Variolite is associated with the heart chakra making it the stone of love, compassion and emotional balance. It has been known to help clear emotional blockages, by releasing negative emotions like fear and resentment. As a healing stone, variolite is also believed to encourage deep inner peace and harmony, allowing individuals to connect with their authentic selves. Additionally, it is considered to have a grounding effect, stabilizing energy and promoting a sense of calm and security.


Water Sapphire

*Water Sapphire/Iolite – Blue - Iolite is a vision stone.  It clears thought forms, opens intuition, aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction.  Water sapphire helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others.  Iolite releases discord within relationships, encourages taking responsibility for yourself, and overcoming codependency within your partnership. Iolite helps by ridding the body of fatty deposits.  It diminishes the effect of alcohol, supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver, treats malaria and fevers, and also kills bacteria.  Water sapphire aids the pituitary, sinuses and respiratory system, and helps alleviate migraines.

White Geode

*White geode- used to assist thought transmission and telepathy. It absorbs negative energy and then dissipates it to prevent onward transmission. It brings mind, body, emotions, and spirit into harmony. Removes hostility and transforms melancholy into joy. Psychologically it eases self-doubt and facilitates constructive  inward reflection. And dissipate, emotions, and bad dreams.

Zebra Stone Jasper

*Zebra stone/ Jasper - brown/red and beige or black and white- This stone is designed to bring balance i to your life. It can show us our own true nature and help to see past illusions. This stone will encourage you to dare to dream, and turn those dreams into reality. It can help you to see both sides of any situation. It is a grounding stone, and it helps protect your aura. It can help connect you to Divine energy and Divine love. It holds the energy of balance and helps unite the masculine and feminine energies, also known as the yin and yang.  Zebra stone is used in crystal healing for bone disorders, and helps to alleviate muscle spasms.



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